The Mamahood.
The Mamahood is where we mamas go to lift each other up and be supported ourselves. By hosting a variety of topic-specific chat groups, and curating an exciting list of mama-products and services we love, TM has created a virtual community where we can connect with each other, thrive ourselves, and enjoy this wild mothering adventure!

Nailing this mama-thing together.
Sometimes, all we need to keep trucking, is to tell someone who 'gets it', to know we're not the only one awake at 3 am, or a place to go when the pediatric advice-line just doesn't feel like enough. When you're driving around in a hot car with crying tots, this group will tell you where the sprinklers are on, or where there's a shady tree-lined hike calling your name. From diapers to teen drama, we've got you covered. Alone, we might not have all the answers, but together, we know everything! Want to talk finance or tv shows? We've got 20+ topic-specific chat groups waiting for you.

"The new mom-blog."
— Fahad Jalal, CEO, SitterFriends
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You could say Founder, Heather Anderson, has a sort of 'thing' for community. Circa the 80s, it was secret clubhouse meetings and under-the-porch band practices. In High School, it was 4H campouts and rallying with the Oakland Strokes crew for pre-dawn rowing practice. In College, it was throwing parties and hosting open mikes for the 'Dead Poet Society'.
Pre-kiddos, she was building community in the Bay Area independent music scene - connecting songwriters, musicians and related creatives to each other. So naturally, when she found herself going from zero to five kiddos in under five years (two are 'bonus-kiddos' if you're pondering the science behind it all!), she started building mom-community pronto. And like all great parties, The Mamahood took on a life of its own and became this here thriving hub.